Short Hand Hygiene Survey

Please help colleagues at LSHTM understand hand hygiene among healthcare workers in your area.

It takes 3-5 minutes to answer 7 key questions and can be answered on a computer, mobile or tablet!

The survey is available in English, اللغة العربية, বেঙ্গালি ভাষা, 中文, Nederlandse taal, زبان فارسی, Française, Deutsch, हिन्दीभाषा, Italiano, 日本語, Bahasa Indonesia, 한국어, Lahnda, Norsk, Idioma Portugues, Русский язык, Español, Kiswahili, Türk

Survey link

Only complete the questionnaire if you have been performing clinical duties. It is completely anonymous and your participation is voluntary. And please share it among your networks.

If you have questions, please contact